
We are keen to encourage and support wildlife. With grants from various sources we have improved the biodiversity areas by sowing wildflowers and plug plants.

A small spring runs into the garden and initially created a very boggy area. Rather than try to solve the problem we have worked with nature to create habitats for frogs and dragonflies at the woodland edge and around the small pond and bog garden.  All the seeds and plants were of native Scottish provenance. 

We would like to encourage more insects and bees as they are natural pollinators. Two growing areas have been developed specifically. One is for bees and the other for butterflies and moths. The plants chosen for the borders  demonstrate how everyone can support bees and other pollinating insects by growing similar plants at home.

The pond, bog garden, wild flower meadow, bee bistro and butterfly border provide focal points for education about nature by the numerous groups using the garden.

Birds and amphibians are always welcome in the garden as they are good for organic pest control. 105 saplings were planted as a double hedge to provide shelter outside our perimeter fence. New woodland paths allow visitors to see the more mature trees at close range.

Eight members keep bees which helps to maximize the pollination of the fruit and vegetables. Our grants enabled us to purchase beehives, beekeeping equipment, shrubs and plants to attract bees and insects, nest boxes and wildlife shelters.  Fruit trees and fruit bushes provide biodiverse habitats in addition to nourishing us.